YULAN, NY — A fight that erupted between two volunteer firefighters outside of the Yulan firehouse is still being sorted out.
Details could not be confirmed regarding a tussle on January …
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YULAN, NY — There are accusations and allegations of charges and countercharges. But the River Reporter has not yet seen any paperwork about the fight that erupted outside the Yulan firehouse on January 25.
Accounts differ of the tussle between Tom Migliorino, who is a new Highland town board member, and Jeff Haas, who until January 1 served as town supervisor. They are both volunteer firefighters who were attending a drill at the time of the altercation. Haas's son Jeffrey submitted his own statement to the paper.
The Yulan fire chief, Phil Dyermond, told the River Reporter last week that a political discussion led to a physical altercation that “unfortunately” occurred on the fire department grounds. The department will pursue disciplinary action internally, he said.
Both Haas and Migliorino are Republicans.
A spokesperson for the NYS Police at Middletown said last week that the troop had no information about the incident. The Sullivan County district attorney, Brian Conaty, wrote in a February 13 email to the River Reporter, "As of right now I have no information with respect to criminal charges about the ... incident."
Highland now contracts with the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office for police services, after disbanding its constabulary force last year. The sheriff’s office did not respond to several requests asking for any complaints or charges that may have been filed in connection with the incident between Haas and Migliorino.
Migliorino submitted a statement to the River Reporter in which he called the account Haas gave to the Mid-Hudson News, in which Migliorino was the clear aggressor, “an absolute lie.” Migliorino said Haas has pressed charges, and that he had no choice but to file countercharges against Haas and his son.
The elder Haas told the River Reporter last week that he has “talked to the authorities.”
“Anytime one person lays a hand on another person, something has to be done,” he said.
Haas said he stands by the account he gave to Mid-Hudson News, which goes as follows: Miglorino came at Haas in an aggressive manner. Haas pushed Miglorino against a wall to put space between them. Miglorino hit Haas in the mouth and had to be pulled away by other firefighters.
“He’s not fit for public office,” Haas told the River Reporter. He said Migliorino “sucker-punched” him, and that the EMTs checked out his swollen lips afterward. “I never expected it,” he said.
“I’m 66 years old,” he said. “I’ve never raised a hand to anyone in my life.”
As to what the specific charges are, Haas would only say, “If it goes to court, let the facts come out there.”
Haas’s son Jeffrey said in his letter to the paper, “I never laid a hand on Tom and I never will. Tom may have been under the weather when he arrived at the drill. He instigated a disagreement at the firehouse, called Jeff names, and punched him in the face after he was threatening Jeff and encroaching upon his personal space in a threatening manner. Once you hit, you’re wrong.”
He continued: “This community has been attacking my family (father, wife, brother) for years and not one of us has ever disrespected ourselves, our community, our elected/appointed positions, or our employers by resorting to physical violence. Ever.”
Editor's note: This article has been updated with information from Jeffrey Haas and DA Brian Conaty.
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