Food, glorious food!

I have food issues and always have. Meal time in the Fox household wasn’t ever a delight, and more often than not instigated a family fight. My father didn’t like what my mother prepared; …

That’s entertainment!

Ladies and gentlemen, June has left the building. While it hardly seems possible, that’s the fact, Jack. Just when I had gotten used to the idea that June was bustin’ out all over, …

The Center for Discovery

About three weeks ago, I took note of my friend Cris Spinner’s post on social media. “Today marks another milestone for Anthony, brought to you by Center Magic!”  Anthony, …

I’ll follow the sun

For weeks we’ve all heard rumblings about a solar eclipse coming our way, but reports have been sketchy. While there’s no doubt that the sun is scheduled to blink out “sometime next …

Comfort food

I’m not what some folks call a “foodie,” and never have been. As a kid, I didn’t have much of an appetite and had to be coerced into eating.  Like many in her …