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Latest in Outdoors
The Way Out Here
‘Twas the weeks past the Fourth/and all through the farm/there grew a great thirst/as we worked off our arms. As we sweat’ in the heat/and worked up this great thirst/there was but one …
Ramblings of a Catskill Flyfisher
In 1931, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decree that authorized and required the City of New York to release up to 440 million gallons of water per day (681 cubic feet per second{CFS}) to the …
Mixed Greens

The growth in renewable energy jobs in the U.S. and around the world has been tracked and reported annually by industry organizations such as the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEI), the …

River Muse
The long run

She was everything to us. Everything we had came from her. Her love was the air we breathed, the food we ate, the clothes we wore, the beds we slept in. She gave us each other for the times she …

Peace and Justice Files

There are some really nasty bugs going around these days. Viruses, bacteria, parasites…  Some of them are even more powerful than you think.  For example, take Toxoplasma …

Root Cellar
From the Relationship Center
Cultivating self-love

Self-love is a fundamental concept of which most people are aware. It is the foundation of good mental and emotional health, and it enables individuals to live a happy, fulfilled life. However, …

Jude's Culinary Journey
Some years ago, with friends moving out of town and changes in relationships happening for one reason or another, I stopped having dinner parties. I never had more than a handful of people over …
Mixed Greens
Mother’s Day is upon us, and it’s hard to know what to get for this very important person in our lives. My inbox is flooded with suggestions. Brunch, jewelry, a spa day, perfume, garden …
The Way Out Here
Traditions are as strong in the country as they are in the richest cultures in the most opulent cities. In northern Wayne County, running, especially cross-country running, has a proud and …