Why vote?

Join a community forum to discuss your vote. Is it important? Is it pointless? Talk about it on August 8.


REGION — Radio Catskill and the Sullivan County Chapter of the NAACP have partnered to listen to voters like you. We’re interested in hearing your perspective, whether you believe your vote matters or not.

Join us at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, August 8 for a community forum on Zoom to share your thoughts on why your vote counts…or why you think it doesn't.

Guests include: 

Sullivan County NAACP: Sean Wall-Carty, Thomas Rue

League of Women Voters, Pike County

League of Women Voters, New York

SUNY New Platz - Political Science Department, and Associate Professor Stephen Pampinella 

And more. 

This November, Sullivan County voters will be deciding every seat in the County Legislature, Wayne and Pike County voters will be choosing their County Commissioners—it’s a big local election year.

The most important way we can take part in our democracy is by voting. Make your voice heard. 

Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86928308323 or visit WJFFRADIO.ORG for the Zoom link or for information. 

election, Sullivan County, Pike County, Wayne County, voting, Radio Catskill


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