Talk: Divided by God - America's Church-State Problem

Posted by uduufpublicity

Barbara Leo will present a talk and service entitled "Divided by God - America's Church-State Problem". Noah Feldman, law professor at Harvard, helped write the new constitution for Iraq after the war. Against those who believe America's secular-religious split is an intractable schism, Feldman argues that a "third way" can be found, one that could produce reconciliation” between the evangelicals and the secularists and temper the polarization that is plaguing our national politics today.

The one hour service, sponsored by the Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship will be followed by a social time with refreshments. All are invited to attend.

Event Date
Sunday, August 4, 2019
Event time
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Cost / donation
Patricia Sanders
om, 15702534032


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