Local ‘heroes in blue’ honored at Manor

Posted 5/22/24

LIVINGSTON MANOR, NY — Peace Officers Memorial Day is May 15. It was designated in 1962 by President John F. Kennedy, and is part of National Police Week .

This year, the commemoration …

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Local ‘heroes in blue’ honored at Manor


LIVINGSTON MANOR, NY — Peace Officers Memorial Day is May 15. It was designated in 1962 by President John F. Kennedy, and is part of National Police Week .

This year, the commemoration takes place from Sunday, May 12 to Saturday, May 18. And Livingston Manor Central School invited members of the local law enforcement community to attend a brief ceremony in the high school cafeteria.

The officers came to “respect, honor and remember” their comrades in blue who had  fallen in the line of duty and paid the ultimate sacrifice in service to their communities.

Uniformed officers from the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) and Troop F of the New York State Police (NYSP) attended and were welcomed to the school by high school principal Adam Larsen and elementary school principal Chris Hubert.

“We want to express our deepest gratitude for all that you do,” said Hubert, on behalf of the district. “We can’t imagine the worry your families face each day as you head off to serve and protect our communities. From calm situations to emergencies that erupt in an instant, you rise to the challenge with unwavering courage and dedication.”

In conclusion, Hubert added, “Thank you for your bravery, your service, and your sacrifice. You are truly remarkable.”

Taking a break from the complimentary bagels and muffins, several law enforcement officers shared with the River Reporter why they joined the ranks of the nation’s “Heroes in Blue.”

Sullivan County Sheriff Mike Schiff served with the NYSP for 28 years, and is now in his 19th year as helmsman of the local sheriff’s office.

In reflecting on the importance of National Police Week and May 15, Sheriff Schiff said, “It’s a day for people to recognize police just like we do for our soldiers and veterans, the fire service and emergency medical services.”

Asked why he joined the law enforcement community almost half a century ago, Sheriff Schiff replied, “It’s something you have to want to do. You see it with EMS and fire, see it with our veterans, and you see it with our police.”

On a historical note, he recalled the ‘60s as times when some folks were “joining cults and getting into groups that were very radical and violent”, while a majority of youth were “trying to find something useful in their lives, somewhere to join, like the military or police, the Peace Corps, a chance to do good.”

Lt. Cheryl Crumley has been with the SCSO for 23 years, and joined “because I was graduating college and needed a job,” and after five years of service as a road patrol deputy, started moving up through the ranks to attend DARE school and become a school resource officer (SRO).

“I love giving back to the community, building good support systems, so that law enforcement and school kids and parents can all work together and be successful… [It’s about] working with our youth, letting them know that we’re there not just in the bad times, but in the good times as well.”

On the state of law enforcement today, Lt. Crumley said that bail reform “has made it very hard for us.” 

However, the perception of police has improved. “We go out every day to let people know that we aren’t the bad guys. Although sometimes when people make poor choices, we have to take action. It’s part of our job.”

Jason Beebe has been with the SCSO for 12 years, and is the SRO at Livingston Manor Central School. 

Asked why he decided to join the ranks, Deputy Beebe responded, “I had some bad interactions with police officers at a younger age.” He cited a few traffic stops and some “attitude.” And he “kind of wanted to be part of the change… as a student, I was not Mr. High School.”

Now that he is working at the local high school every day, Deputy Beebe gets to counsel students by “going over life’s questions, input I could have used at a younger age.”

 Trooper Elizabeth Roser has been a proud member of the NYSP for 16 years, and described herself as a late bloomer, having joined the state’s premier law enforcement agency when she was 33 years old.

Asked her take on the current state of law enforcement, Trooper Roser replied, “Crime has changed. We go to a lot more calls than we used to, domestics and mental health… we’re highway troopers, so we handle a lot of accidents as well.”

Trooper Brandon Smith has been with the NYSP going on eight years, and said like most of his fellow officers, “I wanted to help people and serve the community. It’s a rewarding career, and it’s rewarding to help someone in crisis… Anytime I can help somebody in need is a hugely rewarding aspect of it.”

Peace Officers Memorial Day, Livingston Manor Central School, ullivan County Sheriff’s Office


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