River Talk
Watch your step!

As children, my sisters and I were often advised to pay attention to where we placed our feet. Kids can be clumsy and a misplaced step causes irreversible harm if you happen to be a toadlet or a …

Why did the turtle cross the road?

Spring is a busy time for many animals, and you might see more animals on the move because many of them are going to or from their breeding grounds. One of the most visible locations where these …

What the heck is a hellgrammite?

You never know who—or what—you might meet while adventuring around the Upper Delaware River region. While walking on the Roebling Bridge Towpath along the banks of the Delaware River …

Singing wood frogs mean the end of winter

As I write this (11 March), the temperature is in the 30s with a brisk NW wind that is gusting over 40 miles per hour—but I am thinking of spring. Someone who lives near Stroudsburg, PA told me …

Time out!

Spring is springing, dear readers! Heed the call of the wild and opt outside to celebrate the season of rising energy, spirit  refreshment and physical renewal.  I’ve saved you …