Seasons by the moment

Friday, March 22
I was in my garden last Sunday afternoon. I was pulling a yucca plant that I mistakenly planted in one of my garden beds years ago.  …

Beloved author

Friday, March 15
Ask anyone, especially my family, that my memory of names of bands,  movie plots and actors, and books I've read is spotty. It's …

The quotes we choose

Friday, March 8
The quotes we choose tell others something about us. I found this quote as I was exploring quotes using a search query of notable …

An early influencer

Friday, March 1
Until this week, I had never heard of Cynthia Heimel. Her Wikipedia page describes her as a columnist and foremost the author of …

Price to pay

Friday, February 23
I am struck that sometimes when we determine the price of something, we don't factor in all of the costs.  With a background in …
Bedridden Ruminations

I have had Crohn's disease for almost 50 years. This means I have had a ringside seat not only to what was once referred to as a 20th-century illness that was treated with 19th-century medicine for …

The making of a leprechaun

You may have seen the leprechaun art in the March  14 edition of the River Reporter.  Here's how it was made

Nothin's perfect

It's good to know that we don't have to be perfect to be loveable.

Purposefulness & determination

I encountered the life and legacy of Rev. Howard Thurman in seminary. It was there that I learned that Thurman was the direct link between  Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.  …

The researcher is the writer

Richard Kluger seems to like to sink his teeth into complex subjects and set them in terms of sweeping societal concepts. His two best-known works are Simple Justice , generally regarded as the …

Food for the soul

I first became acquainted with Dorothy Day as part of a seminary course on religious social activists.  Beyond her work as a co-founder and editor of …

Golden Leo

We’re at the very end of LEO time now. In fact, when you read this, if I still have the indulgence of the River Reporter, Leo period will probably be over.  I blame it on Saturn, the …

Containing China

The Athenian general and historian Thucydides—whose experiences led to the Peloponnesian war between a strong Sparta and a rising Athens—surmised war is inevitable when an established existing power feels threatened by a new emerging power.

The hubris of Ron DeSantis 

Great political leaders possess the unique ability to create dynamic legislation with members of the opposite party through compromise. This is rewarded when an idea successfully materializes into a …