Ingrassia beats O’Brien in GOP primary for Assembly race

O’Brien gives up Conservative endorsement to present ‘united front’

Posted 6/26/24

Ingrassia beats O’Brien in GOP primary for Assembly race

O’Brien gives up Conservative endorsement to present ‘united front’



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Ingrassia beats O’Brien in GOP primary for Assembly race

O’Brien gives up Conservative endorsement to present ‘united front’


SULLIVAN AND ORANGE COUNTIES — Louis J. Ingrassia Jr. of the Town of Wallkill will run on the Republican line for the 100th NYS Assembly District this November.

He won the June 25  GOP primary against Camille O’Brien, who won 57 percent of the vote in her native Sullivan County but only 12 percent of the vote in Orange County. It wasn’t enough to overcome Ingrassia’s tallies in his native county. 

The 100th District has been served for the past 20 years by a Democrat, the retiring Aileen Gunther. The district includes most of Sullivan County and a portion of Orange County around the populous Middletown area. 

The unofficial tally is 1,309 to 868. Broken down, that figure includes 772 votes for O’Brien in Sullivan County and 96 in Orange County, and 584 votes for Ingrassia in Sullivan County and 725 in Orange County.

In the general election this November, Ingrassia will face Democrat Paula Kay, who was unchallenged in yesterday’s Democratic primary.

O’Brien was endorsed by the Sullivan County Conservative Party, which gives her a ballot line for the general election if she wants one. But in her concession statement, she congratulated Ingrassia and said she would be stepping aside.

“I am proud to have run a good, clean campaign and hope that we have both demonstrated that campaigns can be run with the character and integrity that is so often missing in the current political landscape,” she said. “As a united front is needed in order to flip this Assembly seat red and help to break the Democratic super-majority in Albany, I will be stepping off the Conservative line in order to give Lou the best chance at victory.

“As I’ve said from the start, the only way things are going to change in this state is if we deflate the Democratic majority in order to bring conversation back to the legislative process. That is how we repeal bail reform, that is how we curtail ridiculous spending, and that is how we get back to passing policies that help the hardworking families of New York. Thank you to everyone that came out to support me in the primary and in the months leading up to it.”

Ingrassia said, “We are looking forward to securing the Conservative endorsement and moving on to the November election on a unified front to secure the 100th Assembly District seat.”

A focus on taxes, cashless bail

Ingrassia celebrated his win at a small event at Pizza E Birra in Middletown. He promised to bring substantive change to New York.

“I want to thank everyone who has backed and supported me during the race,” said Ingrassia, a member of Wallkill’s Republican Committee for more than 25 years. “Your kind words and encouragement is what motivates and inspires me every day,” he said. “I look forward to working even harder on the campaign trail over the next few months and listening to what is on the minds of the good and hard-working residents of the NY-100.”

He said his platform will continue to focus on issues affecting “hard-working taxpayers.” He said high taxes, growing energy costs, and inflation are squeezing young families, small-businesses, and senior citizens.

He also opposes the state’s cashless bail system, and says the migrant crisis represents a failure of state and national leadership, making the state less safe and siphoning away billions in that could be used for tax relief. He also pledged to rebuild New York’s damaged infrastructure and roadways.

“My 40 years of dedicated public service and familiarity with the region will provide a seamless transition to representing the NY-100,” Ingrassia said.

Louis J. Ingrassia Jr., Town of Wallkill, Republican primary, 100th NYS Assembly District, Camille O’Brien, Sullivan County, Orange County, Aileen Gunther, Middletown area, Democrat, Paula Kay, Democratic primary, Sullivan County Conservative Party, taxes, cashless bail, migrants, Gary Maas, Sullivan County Republican Committee, Cochecton


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