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Well, I read your remarkably long 875 word “letter to the editor” and found not one specific citation for any of your outlandish claims regarding the “modern abuses” of justice that allowed you to comingle the cases of the sexual abuser, protofascist and swindler, D. Trumfp, with the case of the Central Park Five, whose execution he loudly demanded while calling for the return of the death penalty, in a paid ad in the NY Times (May 1, 1989, Section B p.6). Years later, those five African-Americans were exonerated rather than as Trumpf would have had it, exhumed.

The rabbit hole of logic, where unsubstantiated claims based on unsubstantiated claims leads us to a kind of “bizzarro world” of up is down is not one I am willing to dive into; especially when this tome is yet another unsigned troll letter attacking presumed innocent people (our system) with serious charges attributable to no one except some vague and little known “Sullivan’s Committee.” Honestly, I do not know how this scandalous twist made it past the editors, but the next time I have lots of words with nowhere to go…

John Pace (a real person)


From: Condemning political persecution and judicial corruption

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