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You must be kidding. First of all, he was indicted not by Biden, not by the Justice Department, not even by Alvin Bragg, but by a grand JURY that was presented with EVIDENCE. Every word spoken and every piece of evidence presented at that trial was made (and still is) publicly available at the end of each day of the trial, so you can see for yourself that the prosecution presented 20 witnesses, 19 of whom backed up Michael Cohen's testimony, as well as email, checks, recordings of phone calls and a piece of paper that literally laid out the payback plan in detail.

The defense offered a phone chart and 2 witnesses, one of whom was immediately impeached on cross examination. In other words, the jury had no choice but to convict because of EVIDENCE of guilt, and basically nothing offered by the defense to rebut it.

Not to mention, if Biden controls the Justice department, why is his own son currently on trial?

From: Condemning political persecution and judicial corruption

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