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You know Stephen, you're right. I didn't research it carefully enough. I think I was conflating it with NYC's "city of yes" zoning proposal, and didn't realize that the NYS bill was for urban areas, which clearly we are not. After reading the bill I see it strongly encourages responsible, clean development, maintaining trees, etc. I remember several years ago, the Sandy Ground Society, which is a community that was founded by free African Americans in 1828 with a thriving oyster farming tradition, made up of many ancestors of the original founders, wanted to develop the land around their church, the Rossville AME church in Rossville, on Staten Island, NY for a senior community and the local opposition was fierce. It would have offered Sandy Ground's aging members a way to stay in their historic community and add much needed funds for the church and community maintenance. The city of NY actually down-zoned the entire area to prevent this needed development. A bill like this one would have let this project move forward.

So again, Stephen you are right, I am wrong, and should READ things before hopping on my soapbox! Thank you for urging us all to look more carefully, and to read with a critical eye!

From: Opposing the proposed Faith-Based Affordable Housing Act 

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