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War is Hell! My brother was a survivor(?) of the VietNam war....or was he? I wrote this little piece some time after he returned:


He made it back...

Came home on his feet,

Not in a body bag.

Family saw him as a war hero,

Despite his excessive drinking

And his screaming nightmares.

To the government,

He was a hero, of sorts;

He fought their ill-advised war.

He is not alone....

Others who fought with him

Came back the same way.

Are they heros...or victims

Of misguided government activities

In far off lands against questionable foes ??

I wasn't there;

I did not fight, so

Who am I to question his behavior ?

The enemy didn't get him,

But the war did....

Even if the government doesn't recognize it.

Lloyd Barnhart

West Sand Lake, NY

From: Ghosts of Vietnam haunt Highland town meeting

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