Morningside Fishing Classic returns

HURLEYVILLE, NY — The 23rd annual Morningside Fishing Classic, sponsored by the Town of Fallsburg Parks and Recreation Program and the Hurleyville Fire Department, will be held Saturday, June …

  • Aquatic insect decline

    NATIONWIDE — For those of us who regularly fish the fabled rivers of New York’s western …

It's all about the bass

SULLIVAN COUNTY, NY — Want some bass? Of course you do! The Sullivan County Soil & Water Conservation District is having a fall Fish Stocking Program. It has linked up with a new …

A Catskill mayfly dun, thought to be in decline worldwide due to a variety of environmental factors.

Aquatic insect decline: An update

Wednesday, May 29
In this year’s Fish magazine (River Reporter, April 4), my article regarding the decline of aquatic insect communities in the …