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Thank you for continuing to highlight the Beaver Brook community's concerns about the proposed Yeshiva Camp planned for our neighborhood. It was not mentioned in today's story, but the number one issue is the fact that summer camps are NOT allowed under the neighborhood's current R2 zoning. The author of this story even referred to the project as a summer camp. You can call something an "educational retreat" all day, but if it is a summer only operation, children sleeping over, a brand new swimming pool, ball playing, etc., that is a summer camp, no matter how it's spun. And again, summer camps are NOT allowed under the current zoning regulations. I also find attorney Barshov's comments “Whenever people are confronted with something they don’t know, they are curious about it… but one of the things that I hope will happen is that neighbors will get to know each other, and they’ll actually realize that they have far more in common than they think they do,” to be ill-informed at best as well as extremely condescending. This has nothing to do with commonality or quaint curiosity, it has to do with an illegal summer camp, a shoddy environmental assessment, a detrimental impact to our neighborhood and way of life--something our own comprehensive plan states should never happen--increased traffic, impact on water, wells, wetlands, town services, sound, wildlife and so much more.

The entire town of Narrowsburg and the surrounding area should be very concerned if this is the level of oversight and required assessments from the Tusten planning board for major projects now and in the future.

From: Beaver Brook and Bobov Yeshiva

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