Forever Democrats 


WAYNE COUNTY, PA — This week, we are in the northern part of Wayne County, at the home of two lifelong Democrats, Walter and Julia Whitney, 88 and 87 respectively. 

During the visit, a recurring theme was the influence of their immigrant parents, and they quoted their fathers’ words as if they heard them yesterday. 

“When you are a working man, you must vote Democrat,” admonished Walter’s Irish-born dad. Julia’s Czech father always reminded her,” It’s your vote, your choice, your business and no one else’s.” 

There aren’t many Harris signs anywhere in Wayne County, but the Whitneys showed their support as soon as the signs were available. They still have a Hillary sign that was peppered with gunshot during the 2016 campaign.

As they edge into their 10th decade, both Walter and Julia remain committed to core “Democrat” ideals. They pray for the end of endless wars and advocate for social justice and kindness toward everyone, including the people who, like their parents, are now crossing our borders in pursuit of liberty and happiness.

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the hustings, forever, democrats


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