Quote of the Week

A word to live by

Posted 1/24/25

In my anxiety about the fate of the world, I contemplate composure.

I look it up.

According to Miriam-Webster, the words equanimity and sangfroid are common synonyms of composure. While all …

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Quote of the Week

A word to live by


In my anxiety about the fate of the world, I contemplate composure.

I look it up.

According to Miriam-Webster, the words equanimity and sangfroid are common synonyms of composure. While all three words mean "evenness of mind under stress," composure implies the controlling of emotional or mental agitation by an effort of will or as a matter of habit.

In other words, composure is a choice. Composure is an effort of will. Or a habit.

I have to admit I had never heard of the word sangfroid. It’s a French word and it translates as cold blood. The definition is self-possession or imperturbability, especially under strain.

And there it was.


For me, in terms of remembering it and how to pronounce it, I find the word perturb at its root. Imperturbability. To be imperturbable. 

Imperturbable. Unable to be upset or excited; calm and unruffled self-assurance. To not become perturbed. 

I use it, when I remember, as a mantra and an opportunity to recognize that I am perturbed. Ironically, it's rather fun to say and it reminds me that I desire to be imperturbable. 

Don't we all.

Try it. Im-per-turb-a-ble. 

Let me know how it goes. We're all in this together!

Quote of the Week, Imperturbable


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