NATIONWIDE — In the ‘00s, when we were driving back and forth across the country at least twice a year, we took our dog. Moly (One “l”; it was short for Molybdenum) several …
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NATIONWIDE — In the ‘00s, when we were driving back and forth across the country at least twice a year, we took our dog. Moly (One “l”; it was short for Molybdenum) several times. She had epilepsy and while the meds mostly controlled it, it seemed too much to ask of our neighbor to look after her.
In the ‘10s, we drove back and forth across the country with three cats. Then my husband drove from Alabama with three or four cats, several times.
The Family Features tips are excellent— we stayed in a Motel 6 and other motels that allowed pets. Motels loved dogs, but cats were limited in some places. (And in one place, a previous visitor had owned an unneutered male, so the caution was understandable.)
We researched carefully, called each motel and made reservations in advance, and for the cats brought plenty of cat-calming Feliway. We plugged the diffuser into the wall and the product did seem to help soothe the cats. So did the meds the vet gave us.
Related topic: If your cat resents meds or likes to hide, check the room for hideaways before you open the carrier. Is there space for an angry cat under the bed? Behind the microwave? Voice of experience, folks.
You might not be able to eat in restaurants. The motels at which we stayed did not want pets left there alone, and it’s not safe to leave pets alone in the car. (Consider, for example, heat.) Takeout was our friend.
Make sure the leash is still intact before you and the dog leave the car. We learned this one the hard way after Moly chewed through most of her leash in the car without telling us.
If your pets are on medications, be sure you have plenty before you leave. And we brought proof that all animals had their rabies vaccinations, although that was never needed. Check with your vet for anything else that might be necessary or just nice to have.
Bring litter boxes for your cats. The lightweight litter you can get now is very nice for traveling.
Do the cats have food they prefer? Bring it. Why stress the cat with weird new food?
The dog was easy. The cats less so—but still easier than the nightmare scenarios we imagined. By the end of the ‘10s, we were seasoned travelers with pets, and you can be too.
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