STALKER, PA — Join us again for the second installment of our weekly photo essay chronicling the presidential election in one county in one battleground state.
This week we feature a Republican rally and next week we’ll look at how the Democrats are rallying. Come with us for snapshots of the hustings in Wayne County, Pennsylvania.
Along the Delaware River, just north of Kellam’s Bridge, the expanse of bottomland lush and green under the expanse of a bright almost cloudless sky, you could hear echoes of the expansive confidence of Wayne County Republicans and guests at the Rally by the River. It was held in support of the presidential and local campaigns.
There were speeches and there was prayer and there was the Pledge of Allegiance. There was marvelous pulled pork from the Red Schoolhouse and much camaraderie.
Cannons were fired and many flags were waving. Wayne County Republican party members met guests with all the information they needed to participate fully in the election.
In one of the last weeks of summer, there was much talk about November.
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