We have never faced such a threat to the core of this democracy as we do at this very moment.
The Republican reckoning is here and you have a clear choice. Democracy, rule of law and adherence to the principles in which this nation was founded, or a personality cult centered around an autocratic demagogue who has no care for you, your family nor this nation, only the pursuit of power.
That is the choice that all Republicans face as we have witnessed the single most disgusting action ever taken by party leadership, the removal of one of their own for defending democracy.
What this moment says about this nation will resonate far into the future.
The complete disregard for the peaceful transition of power by the former President's minions, both elected and civilian, is a recipe for disaster. It's repulsive to think that so many could blindly turn their backs on truth, on a fair and free election and now have such hatred towards other Americans who choose to exercise their rights, their beliefs, and their love of country through the democratic foundations established by those who have proceeded us.
Donald J. Trump, a failed, frightened little man, is about to find there are more Republicans who will fight for democracy than he could have ever imagined.
January 6, 2021 was a watershed event equal to the shelling of Fort Sumpter, Pearl Harbor and 9/11. It was a moment now forever ingrained in our history. Those who simply want to wipe it away will forever be pariahs in the annals of US history.
Many good friends, honest, educated, successful people I admire, have fallen under the influence of these dark fear-mongering forces. I do not criticize them, only invite them to help bring this Grand Old Party out of darkness, and renew it through the values that built it and help make it again a party for all Americans of every background.
Now is the transformational moment for this nation to open our minds and truly work together for a future we can all be proud of.
My choice as a Conservative Republican remains limited government and fiscal restraint. It also remains with a party that embraces truth, courage, humility and defends this inspirational democracy at all costs.
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